Consequences of Gambling
This creative, outcome-focused activity challenges participants to explore the potential negative consequences gambling could lead to, supporting them in gaining a better awareness of how gambling harms affect people’s health and wellbeing.
Paper or flipchart, pens
Materials to print:
Consequences of Gambling: Scenario cards

- In pairs, teams, or as a larger group, discuss how gambling could negatively impact people’s lives and note these
down.* - Now provide each team with a scenario card. Ask the teams to consider what gambling harms the individual from the scenario might be experiencing, and add any thoughts to the existing notes.
- Now ask each group to consider the following questions:
- How might the individual’s story
continue? What might happen to
them? Consider both positive and
negative endings. - What might help the person to manage
the situation better?
- How might the individual’s story
- Ask each team to share their scenario and their notes with the rest of the group. Facilitate a discussion around each scenario, and ensure to highlight what support for gambling harms looks like and where this can be accessed.
* You might find it helpful to refer to Section 2.1 of the Gambling Education Toolkit on ‘What are gambling harms?’.