Signpost to support services

When you have established:

  • Level of gambling harm
  • Motivation for gambling

You are able to signpost the person you are supporting to relevant services to support them. All of the gambling harm treatment services are listed in Section X with additional information and contact information.

In Scotland there are two gambling harm support treatment providers on the National Gambling Support Network:

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There is also the Nation Gambling Helpline (GB wide) 0800 8080 133 to speak to an advisor for one-to -one confidential advice, information and support. This free service is available 24/7 and is operated by GamCare. There is also a webchat service available.

There are other support services which are part of the National Gambling Support Network that people can link in with, but they will have to travel outwith Scotland or join online.

Key Questions to ask to determine which support service will work best for the person you are supporting: