Activity Catalogue

This catalogue is designed to support you to build your own session or lesson plans.

Each activity includes the estimated time required. If you're not sure how to get started, we suggest choosing activities that will cover the most important topics for the people you support, starting with more introductory topics like 'What is gambling?' and moving through to 'How to reduce the risk'.

You can also view our Example Session Plans for ideas.

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Top Tip Tricks

This card game challenges players to collect tricks, featuring examples of the 6 key gambling harm reduction tips. It provides a fun way to become familiar with the tips and put them into practice.

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Gambling Tree

In this activity, parents and caregivers explore the causes, effects and the consequences gambling can have for young people‘s development. This provides opportunities to reflect on what can be done to tackle these issues. This activity is designed for parents and caregivers and not for use with young people.

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Ripple Effect

This activity explores gambling-related harms by opening up conversations around the negative consequences of gambling experienced by those who gamble, as well as affected others, the wider community and society at large.

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Consequences of Gambling

This creative, outcome-focused activity challenges participants to explore the potential negative consequences gambling could lead to, supporting them in gaining a better awareness of how gambling harms affect people’s health and wellbeing.

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Picturing Risk

This activity introduces the concept of risk and explores it in relation to gambling, enabling young people to develop a better understanding of various risk-taking behaviours and their consequences.

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Empathy Map

This activity further develops the capacity of young people to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand the point of view and experience of a young gambler. This also creates an opportunity to discuss some of the factors that might influence a young person’s gambling behaviour.

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Case Studies

This activity for parents and caregivers introduces real-life stories of individuals and their relationship to gambling. It encourages participants to consider how risk changes over time, and how our circumstances and exposure can affect our risk of harm.

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Gaming Risk Spectrum

This scenario-based activity considers levels of risk associated with products and in-game purchases in video/mobile games. It provides the opportunity to discuss how spending money on in-game items can be harmful, and what factors might increase or decrease the risk of experiencing harm.*

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Gambling Risk Spectrum

This scenario-based activity provides the opportunity to discuss how different products and settings can be associated with different levels of risk and potential harm. It illustrates how risk associated with gambling exists on a spectrum, and invites participants to consider when and why people might move up or down on the spectrum.*

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Gambling Adverts Activity

This activity will encourage participants to discuss the potential harms associated with the characteristics, messages and marketing strategies of gambling adverts, by examining a mock gambling advertising featuring slogans, themes and promotions from existing adverts.

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