Fast Forward Presents

Trust Me


Trust Me

Fast Forward is Scotland’s national youth work organisation specialising in risk-taking behaviours, prevention, and early intervention. Our mission is to promote health and wellbeing through education by, with, and for children and young people.

The Scottish Gambling Education Hub is a project run by Fast Forward, supporting young people’s health and wellbeing by promoting gambling education and prevention across Scotland. This programme was commissioned by GambleAware.



It has been a pleasure to be part of the ‘Trust Me’ project over the last 4 years. From developing the idea from the views and imaginations of young people, to performing the play in over 100 schools, to making the film. The whole project and the impact it has had is something I am really proud of.

A key part of the success of the film is down to the wonderful cast and crew, a big shout out has to go to the 3 main actors Suzanne, Fraser and Harrison who I toured with across Scotland with “Trust Me” theatre show, and they clearly demonstrate their fine quality as actors in the film. Working with David and Scott and the crew from Strange Boat is always a pleasure with their expertise in film making.


This programme was commissioned by GambleAware.

The Scottish Gambling Education Hub is a project run by Fast Forward, supporting young people’s health and wellbeing by promoting gambling education and prevention across Scotland.


Film Production

Filmed in Scotland, during the COVID-19 lockdown, by Strange Boat, an award-winning production company.


Creative Concept

Using a peer inspiration model, the film draws on the views, experiences, and imaginations of young people.


Mirroring Real Life

Adapted from a peer theatre production that was performed in over 100 high schools during 2019 and 2020, and was seen by more than 15,000 pupils across Scotland.


Educating the Nation

The film features the same three actors that starred in the theatre tour and is intended to reach wider youth audiences and continue health and wellbeing education.

Working with our trusted partners

I really enjoyed this movie, which surprised me a little. Usually, the movies we watch in class are boring and long and have nothing happening in them.

S3 Pupil

...It was very captivating and important. It was very real.

S3 Pupil

Trust Me is a good watch, it works, it feels real and the 'full envelope, empty envelope' metaphor will stay a long time.

High School Teacher

I had never really thought gambling was a problem but after watching this movie I realised that gambling is an addiction that can ruin people's lives.

S3 Pupil

I liked how the film was so easy to
understand and had a lot of information to
learn from. It showed that gambling can
affect your daily life and future life choices
and even your relationships with family and
friends. It takes over your life

S3 Pupil

When you think of gambling stereotypically
you think of middle-aged men but what this
really highlighted is that you can be any age
to get addicted. I feel like it impacts young
people more.

S3 Pupil