Gambling Support Services
If professional help is needed, you can consult with the local GP practice or with the guidance teacher at the young person’s school.
For signposting to specialised services or further information, consider the following options:
General information and resources on gambling harm
Information, advice and online resources relating to gambling harms. Suitable for all ages.
Information and support on gambling designed for young people and families, run by GamCare. Suitable for anyone under 18.
Referral pathways for treatment and support
National Gambling Support Network
Operated by a network of local and national providers. This service uses a ‘no wrong door’ approach - no matter how people make contact, referral pathways are in place to deliver the most appropriate package of care. Designed for individuals experiencing difficulties with gambling, and for those impacted by someone else’s gambling. Suitable for all ages.
RCA Trust
Counselling service for young people experiencing problematic behaviours, including gambling, across Scotland. Suitable for ages 16+.
Support, information and advice for anyone experiencing gambling harms. Suitable for all ages.
Citizens Advice Scotland
Information and advice about support available for anyone experiencing gambling harms. Suitable for all ages.
Betknowmore UK
Set up by individuals who experienced gambling-related harms in their own lives to help others going through similar experiences. Offering peer support, community outreach, and women's service New Beginnings. Suitable for ages 18+.
Self-help groups and tools
Gamblers Anonymous Scotland
Provides help for people experiencing gambling harms and runs Gamblers Anonymous Meetings across Scotland. Suitable for adults.
Gam-Anon Scotland
Support and encouragement for the families and friends of those experiencing disordered gambling, helping them to understand gambling harm and to help overcome it. Suitable for affected others.
Gambling Therapy App and Website
Online service offering free practical advice and emotional support to anyone affected by gambling harms. Suitable for all ages.
GamFam provides a strong support network for those affected by someone else’s gambling. Suitable for families.
RecoverMe is a mobile health application designed to support people experiencing harm as a result of their gambling. Suitable for all ages.
Gambling blockers and self-exclusion tools
Gamban blocks the device from accessing gambling websites and apps.
TalkBanStop is a partnership that combines practical tools and support to help you to stop gambling and maintain a successful recovery journey.
A free online self-exclusion service. Once you register, you will be prevented from using gambling websites and apps run by companies licensed in Great Britain, for a period of your choosing.
Online Gaming Advice Hub
Run by, the Online Gaming Advice Hub offers information and advice for young people and families on the risks of gaming, and its connections to online gambling.
A guide for parents and caregivers on gaming and mental health, including guidance on how to have supportive conversations.
YGAM Parent Hub
The Parent Hub is designed to provide parents with the knowledge and resources to safeguard their families from risks around gaming and gambling.
BBC Newsround
BBC Newsround’s Gambling and Gaming page has information and resources on gambling-like risks within online games.