New podcast alert! Steph Shilton’s story
January 25, 2024
Our next podcast has just dropped and we were incredibly fortunate to have had the lovely Steph Shilton come speak to us. Steph is married to Peter Shilton, the most capped English footballer of all time, and spoke to her experiences as an affected other of her husband’s gambling. Hear a story of love and determination to support her husband through his gambling harm journey.
Steph is joined by our very own Jamie here at Fast Forward and Steven Jardine from Street League talking to us about their journey of gambling harm education and the young people they support through football programmes.
Our Let’s Hae a Blether Aboot Gambling Harms in Scotland podcast is available on the following platforms:
The next episode will be Claire’s story a looked after parent that has firsthand the harm that can be caused by gambling and gaming on young people.
Stay tuned!