Chapter 6: Youth Work Outcomes
This chapter provides a brief snapshot of delivering gambling education in youth work projects can support practitioners to deliver the National Youth Work Strategy.1
Practitioners delivering sessions to promote gambling awareness and harm reduction will contribute to the Youth Work Outcome that “young people consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control.”
Incorporating gambling education in your practice can also promote the following Youth Work Outcomes:
- Young people are confident, resilient and optimistic for the future
- Young people manage personal, social and formal relationships
- Young people create, describe and apply their learning and skills
- Young people participate safely and effectively in groups
- Young people express their voice and demonstrate social commitment
- Young people’s perspectives are broadened through new experiences and thinking
Gambling education also contributes to the ambitions and outcomes of the Strategy:
a) Ensure Scotland is the best place to be young and grow up in
Outcome: Young people are well informed and encouraged to make positive choices and contribute to civic society
b) Put young people at the heart of policy
Outcome: Youth work continues to make a positive contribution to young people’s health and wellbeing
c) Recognise the value of youth work
Outcome: Youth work will be firmly embedded within the Curriculum for Excellence and its contribution understood, acknowledged and valued by all key partners
d) Build workforce capacity
Outcome: Scotland will have well-motivated, well-trained and supported practitioners
e) Ensure we measure our impact
Outcome: Young people are supported to record and articulate their own learning through youth work practice
The design of the session plans, activities and resources in this toolkit is motivated by the key purposes of youth work, particularly:
Building self-esteem and self-confidence
Creating learning and developing new skills
Building the capacity of young people to consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control